
Six Sigma Tools – 5W2H Method

Hi everyone so here i am with the second tool of the series “six sigma tools” and it is 5W2H method, beauty of this tool is it application is rather simple compared to common perception about six sigma methodology in general.

5W2H method also known as 5 why’s and 2 h’s and Why Tree is an idea generating tool and a process improvement tool, this is not a very technical tool and a simple form of root cause analysis, you need to ask ‘why’s’ repeatedly and go beneath layers of problem till you reach root cause of problem.

Tool Description  

5W2H stands for what, why, where , who, when, how and how much, it is a structured idea generating tool where specific set of questions are asked regarding problem in hand.

This method was originally developed by Sakichi Toyoda who is an industrialist and inventor and known as one of fathers of ‘Japanese Industrial Revolution’, this technique was initially developed for automobile industry and was first used in Toyota Manufacturing Methodologies and is part of Toyota Production system (TPS) training.

The 5 Why’s make the cause of the problem clear so that corrective and preventive actions can be implemented. Though initially developed for automobile industry but now its use is widespread and is used in varied sectors and is used in Trouble shooting, Quality Improvement , Problem Solving, it is associated with lean manufacturing where it is used to identify and eliminate waste from processes and in six sigma for root cause analysis.

Lets go in further detail and check various elements of this tool.

What – Here we are looking at the activity part of the problem, we try to answer what is the problem?

Why – Here team tries to look for the purpose, such as “Why is it a problem?”

Where – This brings in the Place factor, team tries to find where do we encounter the problem or where the process is performed.

Who – This brings in the people factor i.e who is involved in the process or who is impacted or who do we need to involve ?

When – This brings in the time factor such as when did we first encounter the problem or when to activate the project etc.

How – This is the Method Part of the process, such as how do we know there was a problem.

How Much – This brings in the Cost or Frequency factor such as how often we encounter the problem?

To get details about associated tools, its application and other details check out my video lecture, CLICK HERE.

Posted on 02 September, 2016

8016 times 7

Categories : Six Sigma , Six Sigma Tools

Attachments :    5W2H Form

Comments so far.. Add new comment

Ram Mohan 29/11/2017

One of the best explanations I have come across on this subject. Kind regards

Ejofor Veronica 17/10/2016

Thanks very much.You are a good lecturer.

Vivek K 14/10/2016

Superb Lectures..

Dhaval Khatri 13/10/2016

This is what i needed, Thanks a lott ma'm.. Please post more articles..

Lima 13/10/2016

thank you mam awsome tutorial

Abhishek Rai 12/10/2016

very effective lecture.. thanx

Sunil K 12/10/2016

Great leacturing Janam... we expect more from you.. no need of any coaching classes. Regards, Sunil K

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